
Seeing past the fluff


Around 50% of all pets in the Nordics are overweight or obese. But pet owners don’t really see it and may even think that their pet’s chubby appearance is cute. According to a study by the Liverpool Weight Management Clinic, between 44% and 72% of pet owners underestimate the weight status of their pet.

Here too, pet owners struggle to understand the true impact that excess weight can have on their pet. However, overweight and obesity in pets can have serious health consequences for the pets. We needed to make pet parents aware of the dangers of overweight in their pets help them see the early signs.


To that end, we needed to generate both brand- and qualified awareness about how a healthy weight is key to a pet’s general health and well-being.


We created a film featuring both cats and dogs. To get the message across we communicated via 4 focus areas: Shape, Activity, Portioning, Growth. We see cats and dogs playing and having a good time and convey that these all have something in common: overweight, and then cut to one of Royal Canin’s veterinarians who explains about overweight and the science behind it and also provide insight and useful advice about what to do about it. That way the film represented both the familiar and the unknown.

The film ran on Facebook and Instagram and was supported by short assets on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest with separate scenes of the cats and dogs and advice from the film with the overall CTA: How to spot overweight in your pet. Additionally, we sent out an e-mail and ran a separate influencer track based on the themes and advice featured in the film. The film thus pro-vided us with a large battery of content putting focus on a problem that pets owners tend not to see.

Our client base is growing, and so is our team! So, if you’re a magician within Account, Strategy or Creative – and have an impressive global or local profile and experience… Well, we’re looking for you!

And if becoming a part of an international creative network with 35+ local and global clients, and dedicated employees weaving magic in our Copenhagen office is something you are looking for, please read on. 

About us

We are a group of ambitious, friendly people with very diverse skillsets that allows us to seamlessly deliver across a wide range of disciplines within our three pillars: Consulting, Advertising, and Health. “Borderless Creativity” is our mantra, which means that most of us work across the board in terms of everything from capabilities to clients – in our mind, collaboration and skillset diversity only makes a project stronger. Our end goal is to create work that makes an impact and engages the audience regardless of the touchpoint. As for our clientele, we have a unique mix of local, Nordic, and global brands – some are brand new (16 new biz wins this year alone), others are well-established (think 15 years plus!).

Interested? Yes! Great!

Curious? Well, if the words “think, create, realize” excite you, along with the thought of awesome colleagues and cuddly office dogs, send us your CV! We’re known for a cool vibe at work, a collaborative environment, and a culture of understanding, which have led to a strong and warm sense of loyalty from those who make us – our people.

Send your CV, motivated application, and portfolio (if applicable) to [email protected], with your desired job title/field of interest in the subject line.

No more mixed feelings about mixed feeding


Many pet owners only see wet food as a way to treat their dog or cat as opposed to being a part of the daily diet. But the scientific truth is that it’s very beneficial for pets to get a mix of both wet and dry food. Why? Because of the different sensorial experiences that come with the food’s shape, texture and aroma. And just like for humans, variation is key. So by applying a mixed feeding approach, mealtime becomes more exciting for your pet – while ensuring proper hydration.


Royal Canin needed to create awareness of the benefits of mixed feeding on social media.


To tell a convincing story about the benefits of Mixed Feeding, that goes beyond spoiling, we took a deep dive into the sensorial experience of cats and dogs. Because not only do cats and dogs have a much keener sense of smell than humans do, but they also use it to taste their food. A fact that supports their need for food with a potent aroma, i.e. wet food. Further, knowing that cats are in fact desert animals, we learned that they are dependent on absorbing water via their food rather than simply drinking it. Knowing this, we wanted to make the social media content as delicious and sensory as a proper mixed feeding approach: The film concept ‘Sense and Sensibility’ zooms in on the cats and dogs in super slow motion. Showing what the human eye can’t grasp: How strangely captivating it is to see dogs and cats eating up close and how they take in and sense the food as they eat it.

The eye-catching 300 fps filming technique was spiced up with our fascinating facts about the senses of dogs and cats and why they need more aroma, moisture, and stimuli in their daily feeding routine.

The films ran on Facebook and Instagram in full length as well as in cutdown versions. Additionally, we ran a separate influencer track and activated Royal Canin’s loyalty programs with coordinated emails.

All of which left no-one with mixed feelings about mixed feeding.

Nelly Andersen

En fremsynet ener, mentor og menneskekender 

I sidste uge mistede Ogilvy, og hele marketingbranchen, én af sine helt store og toneangivende personligheder. På det, der ville have været David Ogilvys 110-års fødselsdag, gik Chief Client Officer, Nelly Andersen, bort efter kort tids kræftsygdom.

I mere end 30 år har Nelly været med til at definere Ogilvy i hele verden. Internationalt var Nelly kendt som The Viking Queen. Hun var nemlig fra Aarhus, hvor hun startede sin karriere inden for reklamebranchen for at fortsætte den hos Ogilvy & Mather Direct i København.

Allerede dengang havde Nelly stærke og modige holdninger og satte sig for at rykke Ogilvy fra plads nummer 57 til top-5. Derefter gik turen til en stilling som landechef for Ogilvy i Stockholm, så til EMEA som CEO for RMG Connect og til sidst New York som Chief Client Officer.   

Hele vejen igennem var Nelly meget tydelig i forhold til, hvad hun ville, og hvordan det skulle opnås. Hun sagde tingene ligeud, men med stor respekt for det enkelte menneske. Hun gik forrest for at flytte kunderne derhen, hvor de gerne ville være, samtidig med, at hun havde et enestående internt fokus på Ogilvys medarbejdere.

For både Ogilvy Danmarks tidligere og nuværende landechefer har Nelly efterladt et markant aftryk.    

”Nelly var en ener. Hendes vid, mod, internationale udsyn og sunde fornuft var noget helt særligt. Og der fandtes kun én Nelly, som alle, høj som lav, mødte. Hun så længere fremad end de fleste og kunne ikke rystes af bump på vejen. Hendes evne til at tage kunderne i hånden gennem en dyb forståelse for deres forretning var ganske unik, og hun kunne, om nogen, samle mennesker omkring sig med spot på muligheder – begrænsninger var for alle andre”

siger tidligere Ogilvy Danmark CEO (1995-2009), Karen Østergaard.

Jimmy Schougaard, CEO for Ogilvy Danmark (2009-2012) og Global Head of Customer Engagement & Commerce (2012-2020), som også have fornøjelsen af at arbejde sammen med Nelly i New York, fortsætter.

”Nelly var først og fremmest en stærk menneskekender. Hun kunne læse både kunder og kolleger og bruge den forståelse til at skabe stærke, vidtrækkende partnerskaber mellem brands og Ogilvy. Hendes jyske, kølige ro og afvæbnende facon gjorde Nelly til en centrifugalkraft, som kunder og kundeansvarlige blev draget af. Hendes dør var altid åben, og der er næppe en leder i Ogilvy, der ikke har spurgt Nelly til råds. Selv ønskede hun aldrig at være i centrum eller få æren for noget. For Nelly handlede det om at hjælpe andre med at gøre det godt… at Ogilvy gjorde det godt.”

Pia Tandrup, CEO for Ogilvy Danmark (2012-2019) mindes Nelly som

”en institution i Ogilvy, respekteret, afholdt og fuld af anekdoter. Trods mange år i en international organisation bevarede Nelly den særlige danske ligefremhed og uimponerethed, som kan være svær for udlændinge at forstå. Men kombineret med hendes store omsorg og interesse for andre gjorde det hende til en ener og en stjerne i Ogilvy.”  

Nuværende CEO for Ogilvy Danmark, Morten Frederiksen, istemmer

”Nelly var central i udviklingen af Ogilvy og ikke mindst i, hvordan topledere skulle håndtere kundernes behov. Jeg oplevede selv tilbage i 2014, hvordan Nelly blev hentet ind på Ogilvy’s Management Development Programme for at dele sin viden og erfaring med 20 ledere fra EMEA. Alle var imponeret over hendes tilgang, og i dag er det tydeligt, at hun allerede dengang forudså markedets udvikling og kundernes behov på meget imponerede vis. Hun fortjener vores allerstørste hyldest og respekt og vil blive savnet af os alle.”  

Nelly vidste godt, at livet ikke altid var fair. Men hun vidste, at det var fuld af muligheder og forstod at udnytte dem. Æret være Nellys minde. Vi vil fortsætte med altid at gøre vores allerbedste, som Nelly ville have ønsket.   

Det var ligeledes Nelly’s ønske, at der blev stiftet en mindefond i hendes navn med det mål at samle penge ind til kræftforskning i Kræftens Bekæmpelse. Skulle man ønske at donere, kan det ske til:  

Danske Bank 
Holmens Kanal afdeling 
Holmens Kanal 2 
1090 København K 
IBAN: DK16 3000 0000 00 1155 

Besked til modtager: ’Nelly Andersen’ 

Der vil blive afholdt mindereceptioner for Nelly i både England og USA, når COVID-19-restriktionerne tillader det.  

COVID-19. How to communicate in turbulent times

Marketers & communicators must be careful about how we communicate internally & externally in a time of crisis. Read or download ‘COVID-19: How to Communicate in Turbulent Times’ by Ogilvy Asia’s Scott Kronick, based on his first-hand experience in a region ahead of the curve.

   Read the PDF →   
What’s Next: Steering Brands through COVID-19. Thursday March 26th 17:00 CET

How should your brand plot a course through this world-redefining period? Drawing from prior experiences with SARS, the financial crisis and the current realities, our panel will discuss both short-term survival as well as long-term brand health.

We are currently in the midst of the most disruptive global crisis seen in decades. There is little doubt that the aftermath of COVID-19 will have life-changing impact on societies, political systems, and economies. And it will likely be the single-most important catalyst in modern history for changing consumer behaviour and attitudes.

This is a defining moment for Brands, and how they react – what they do – will not only impact short-term survival, but more important, the long-term brand health that is critical to future growth.

Our speakers will draw on prior experiences with SARS, the 2008 Financial crisis and the current realities in Asia, Europe and the US. In this week’s webinar they will discuss what your brand should be thinking about and how to plot a course through this world-redefining period.

Can you join us for the free webinar on Thursday 26th March at 17.00 CET?

Take 2 minutes to

   Register now →   

Looking forward to seeing you!

P.S. Can’t make the webinar this week? Sign up anyway to get a copy of the recording and deck after the session takes place!

Questions? Shoot Morten Frederiksen, CEO, an email: [email protected]

This article was orginally published on Ogilvy.com by Stephanie Bakkum and Antonis Kocheilas

Sustainable Enough is Not Good Enough. While the youth of today continue to be catalysts in the drive toward environmental action, brands have been busy getting involved in environmental and other social good issues through ongoing or sporadic corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Making Brands Matter for the Generations to Come intends to help brands understand how they can help make the world, and their business, better faster by intentionally making CSR efforts grounded in their brand’s core.

Leveraging frameworks and data from experts in the field, academia, as well as by observing over a dozen brands, this paper tells the story of the origins of CSR, the evolution of consumers in their demand for sustainable goods and services, and brands’ pitfalls and success stories in executing CSR activities.

From Conspicuous Consumption through to modern day Conscious Consumption, this paper examines how consumers have shifted over the years which has driven brands to embark on CSR in different ways. From one-off projects through to business models built on circular design, brands have been active participants in CSR but there’s still a long way to go.

The paper closes with key actions brands can take to expediently make CSR a genuine and authentic component of their brand’s core going forward.

Key takeaways from the paper:

  • Brands are dabbling in CSR across a spectrum – from one-off initiatives, to those who have managed to become fully purpose driven ecosystems
  • There’s a price tag that often comes with sustainability – the future state of conscious consumption is when sustainable products are affordable and attainable across spending power
  • A brand’s core embodies a brand’s purpose, positioning, and action plans – any and all CSR initiatives need to stem from this core and be felt internally as well as externally
  • There’s an abundance of sustainable activity happening in the world today – brands that matter will take a hard look in mirror and spend the time to intentionally align their CSR activities to their brand’s core

Download the full paper

About the authors:

Stephanie Bakkum is a Director of Engagement Strategy at Ogilvy with a focus on enabling brands to play a positive role in major socioeconomic and environmental challenges. She is currently an MPA candidate at Columbia University with an emphasis in Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management.

Antonis Kocheilas is an Executive Partner, Global Brand Strategy Lead at Ogilvy Worldwide. He is a big-picture thinker that loves crafting holistic brand strategies; ones that deliver world-class Comms, help galvanize staff and ultimately drive business growth in a sustainable way. He has 20 yrs. of experience across leader and challenger brands in industries including CPG, Tech, Telco and Retail and he has delivered extraordinarily work for clients, as evidenced by numerous Effie (Marketing Effectiveness Awards) and Cannes Lions (Creative Awards).

During our latest Morning Session on Customer Engagement in B2B marketing, we had the pleasure to introduce an award-winning client, Inmarsat Aviation. Inmarsat is the leading provider of satellite communications solutions to airlines, operators, and passengers worldwide. Due to the services provided by Inmarsat, you are now able to be connected at 35,000 feet in the sky.
Inmarsat Aviation and Ogilvy in London have developed and executed an exciting and efficient Customer Engagement programme. The case was presented by Dominic Walters, Vice President Marketing Communications & Strategy at Inmarsat Aviation and Nik Myers, Planning Partner, Ogilvy London.
We asked Dominic Walters, Vice President Marketing Communications & Strategy at Inmarsat Aviation, what was crucial to know in B2B Customer Engagement?

Inmarsat Aviation – Bring it on!

We were brought on a journey of customer engagement at the morning session at Ogilvy Denmark. Over the last five years, Inmarsat Aviation has been working on how to build a strong brand in an industry which is undergoing a digital transformation. With help from Ogilvy, Inmarsat Aviation managed to disrupt the status quo and enlighten its target audience. In the first six months alone, a targeted digital and experiential activity engaged 60% of target market accounts. Thought leadership content and partnerships, combined with high-touch media relations management, put Inmarsat’s name firmly at the center of the industry conversation. Brand awareness jumped to 67% within the industry – placing Inmarsat Aviation jointly alongside the leading competitor.

We asked Nik Myers, Planning Partner, Ogilvy London, to give his take on what’s is trending in B2B Customer engagement?

If you want to know more about the Award-winning case on Inmarsat Aviation, please feel free to reach out to us or sign up to our newsletter for more information on future events.

Don’t start with tech

In February 2019 Ogilvy Denmark hosted an event with IBM on Customer Engagement in B2B marketing. The opening presentation at the event was “Don’t start with tech” which contained an extensive and exciting elaboration on The Who, Why, What and How of Customer Engagement within B2B. The presentation was done by Jimmy Schougaard, WorldWide Chief Strategy Officer, Customer Engagement & CRM at Ogilvy.

Get in touch →

For the first time ever, Ogilvy and IBM join forces to create a special session for Scandinavian marketeers like you in B2B industries.