The Journey from Puppy to Dog

How a bunch of puppies helped Royal Canin lift sales by 22%


Royal Canin wanted to strengthen their brand within the Nordic dog owner segment. And as they had seen a tremendous increase in cat food sales with our production “The Journey from Kitten to Cat”, a logical move was to see if dog lovers would follow the same pattern.


So, when asked to create the Fido-version, we couldn’t help but to clap our furry paws and start casting wonderful puppies. Because we were meant to create yet another pet-filled web series to generate brand- and qualified awareness first, followed by an effective engagement track second.


The overall focus of the campaign was on the explosive development of puppies and their corresponding nutritional needs as they grow into young adult dogs.

To convincingly tell this story, we created a docu-soap-based campaign featuring a 5-episode series entitled “The Journey from Puppy to Dog”. Here, we followed the 3 puppies Ella, Dexter, and Rosa from being in the safety of their litter to moving into their new forever home and growing up.

The campaign was made up of the 5 main series episodes, short assets for SoMe and segmented e-mails for members of Royal Canin’s loyalty club. Each episode featured a theme to communicate nutritional and developmental needs while establishing Royal Canin as an expert on pet nutrition. Similarly, the short assets contained tips supporting the themes in the main episodes. Additionally, we supported the campaign with an influencer track to drive engagement and further awareness.


Running over a 3-month period, the campaign outperformed all predefined KPIs.

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